Say 'Hello' to Olympia


As summer approaches with anticipation, I thought it would be the perfect time to introduce you to Olympia, our Director of Operations. Her meticulous oversight, insightful perspective, and passion for all things creative and enjoyable are invaluable.

Hey Olympia … I know we have spent many years working together now but I can’t remember where you grew up. Can you remind me?

Concord, MA, a really lovely place to grow up.

Seeing as how we work with food all day, did you have a favorite childhood food?

I grew up with a lot of home-cooked Greek food and have a lot of good memories of my grandparents’ house being warm with the aroma of sauce, soups and garlic.

I know how I ended up getting to work with you but do mind sharing with everyone?

I have tried a few careers but I was living in New York for several years before the pandemic, working for a boutique events firm. When I ended up on the island in 2020 (thanks Covid!) and decided not to return to Brooklyn, the opportunity arose to build out The Grey Barn’s Tours & Tastings program and other special events and it felt like a natural fit.

What's your go-to spring recipe?

I came across this recipe for Salt-and-Sugar pork chops recently and I was so impressed with how good it was the first time I made it, it's become my go-to dinner party dish! I truly think the pork we raise is out of this world delicious and the pork chops are my favorite.

If I asked you to choose what is your favorite thing we make here on the farm? 

That one is easy - Bluebird Reserve - I’m just always impressed by how rich and complex the flavors are.

Anything about your time so far here at the GB you want to share?

March 1st marked three years for me here at the farm and it’s just been really cool to be a part of the evolution, from being a customer in the original farmstand to actually helping to grow the current iteration of the farmstand. And getting to connect with customers and realizing how beloved the farm is to so many folks is a great part of the job too. 

Pretend you are not at work, what is your favorite thing to do on the island?  

Swimming in the ocean! I also do some drawing, love to see live music, watch everything on TV and talk smack with my friends.

In the summer months what do you find yourself up to in the evenings?

Going to the beach, any beach! I make a point to swim every day after work. And of course, al fresco dinners and reuniting with friends who've been away for the winter months.

If you had to choose who are your favorite animals on the farm? 

I like the guinea hens, they’re real conversation starters.

Anytime I need something to watch you always seem to be in the know. Do you have any must-see TV? Are you listening to anything right now?

Somebody Somewhere (HBO) will make you laugh and tug at the heartstrings. If I have my earbuds in I am almost always listening to The Allman Brothers and I never miss Las Culturistas podcast!

Do you have a dream vacation that isn’t the Vineyard?

Spending a lot of time in Ireland is high on my list. It’s like the Vineyard with a different accent.

 Olympia is just fantastic, right? We could not run this farm without her. She is instrumental in making sure everything around here actually happens!

Molly Glasgow