Meet Jess our Farmstand Manager


Morning Jess … I know you moved here from Oregon but you are really an East Coast woman. Where abouts did you grow up?

I grew up in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania.

Can you tell us a little bit about how you came to managing our farmstand?

I started my career managing community food distributions at a food bank in Philadelphia. We distributed donated produce and other perishables in neighborhoods across Southeast Pennsylvania and New Jersey.  In 2020, I moved to Portland, Oregon and started managing a whole grain sourdough bakery (be sure to stop by Tabor Bread if you are ever in Portland!).  I’ve always been passionate about food, farming and local food systems, so when I saw the job posted for The Grey Barn, I knew it would be a great fit.

Did your passion for food include any meals from when you were a kid?

I really loved corn on the cob. I have also always appreciated a good salad. (* note the size of the salad bowl below!)

What's your go-to winter recipe? I am guessing its not salad?

I love to make stew in the winter. Something with lots of beans and veggies simmering away on the stove I find is very cozy.

What is your favorite thing we make here on the farm? 

I am in love with our focaccia at the moment. I use it as a vehicle for nearly everything - cottage cheese, egg sandwiches, great olive oil -  the possibilities are endless!

Anything about your time so far here at the GB you want to share?

I have really enjoyed seeing what goes into operating a dairy farm and creamery. I have spent a lot of time on farms over the years, but never one with this specific focus. 

What is your favorite thing to do on the island?  

I love spending time on the beach with a book when the weather is nice. I started fly fishing this past fall, so I am looking forward to getting back out on the water in the spring. I need to sharpen my skills so I can be a real contender in the derby next fall.

What are you finding your favorite things to do are on the quiet Vineyard winter evenings?

My winter evenings almost always include reading and doing the NYT crossword.  If I have the day off you can find me on a sunny beach walk. I love to go out for dinner with friends and am always searching out the best new restaurants and bars wherever I travel.

If you had to choose who would be your favorite animal on the farm? 

Bebel the calf! I love watching her interact with Olivia and G when they are going about their days. It's always a sweet glimpse of farm life caught whilst peering out the farmstand windows. 

Do you have any must-see TV? Listening to anything great right now?

I’m not watching a ton of tv at the moment! I love to go to the movies this time of year to catch up on all of the Oscar nominated films so I’m in the know for awards season. As for music? I have created a Late Winter Farmstand playlist that you can listen along to if you like.

In these seemingly long winter months I find myself dreaming of warmer destinations. Do you have a dream vacation?

Dreaming about vacation is one of my favorite hobbies, so the list is quite long. Top of the list is an expedition to Antarctica. I would love to visit Iceland for the northern lights, Copenhagen for the cardamom buns, and exploring/dining my way across Japan would also be delightful! 

Molly Glasgow